Meet My Main Character (Plus Two Side Notes)

Unexplored Boundaries

Before I get into the main topic of this post:

So, 4th of July was a bust.  We got on the boat, and a minute into the boat ride, the battery died.  We had to have another boat bring us back.  The burgers were awful, and we didn’t get to see any fireworks.  I was very upset.

On Wednesday, Mom noticed a mama cat with four baby kittens.  Well, Mama (cat) left and the babies scattered.  We caught one, and we were going to bring it inside, but we decided to leave it for when Mama came back.  Well, she came back, but she left another baby.  So, we took that one inside.  It’s downstairs now, we don’t want Shasta to meet it (we don’t know how he’ll react).  If Mama comes back, we’ll let this one go.  But if she doesn’t, we might have another cat.

Ok, onto other…

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The Inspiration behind my story… The Walking Bridge

The photo above taken by my daughter, Kelli, who is a wonderful photographer, is the true inspiration behind this story. Her website is here She lives in southern Texas, and the real name of this walking bridge is The Chalk Ridge Falls Walking Bridge near Salado, Texas close to Austin, where she resides. I have linked a … Continue reading The Inspiration behind my story… The Walking Bridge

Would you like to “supersize” that order, ma’am?

Welp, it's official.  I am now a blogger.  It is kind of liberating, but overwhelming as well.  Do I want to add this widget or that widget?  Huh?  I am still trying to figure out my profile and adding links! Well, the old adage' give me an "E" for effort' will apply here for sure! So, … Continue reading Would you like to “supersize” that order, ma’am?