My Super Fantastic Awesome Week

Banana on Pancake

Banana on Pancake (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A basset hound.

A basset hound. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Okay, so I’m having a super fantastic wonderful time babysitting my super fantastic awesome Austin Grandsons (ages 3,6,8) for a week.  Naturally, I came prepared and armed with my laptop (for me), my ipad pre-loaded with star wars angry bird app, the avengers app, and the Farfaria children’s book app for them to play with in the car on the way to the park, the zoo, etc.

Imagine my surprise when I got up one morning, sipping on coffee, checking g+, FB, and my other social media on my phone when I noticed I had a circled friend ask what ws up because he was un-circled.


After further investigation, every app on my phone had been opened.  That’s when I discovered I had stayed logged in to my g+ and twitter accounts the day before, which is not unusual when it’s just me!


Well, the three amigos had been playing around, taking pictures, opening up phone booth, generally being silly the night before.  I laughed right along with the harmlessness.  It was great fun.


So far, I have discovered only two people that were un-circled.  If you find that you were un-circled, by ‘ass’ident, could you give me a shout?  I am so sorry for the actions of my sweet angelic super fantastic awesome high-tech grandsons!

UNBELIEVABLE!  (Can’t help but laugh, though, right?)






Update on super-fantastic babysitting-the-high-tech-grandson’s adventure…


Monday morning comes in like a hurricane.  I’m up and running at 6:00, got breakfast started pancakes and bacon (cuz I’m an awesome Grandma like that), got the munchkins up and started their showers.  Ran back downstairs;   bacon was done, and started pouring up the pancakes on the grill.  Soon a heaping pile of pancakes and bacon was ready.  I head back upstairs to get the three amigos dressed and groomed.

We all came downstairs ready to scarf up the breakfast.  Lucy, the basset hound, had helped herself to breakfast.  That’s right, eight pancakes, and six slices of bacon.

1,2,3,4…it helped to count as I got the cereal and milk out.

Okay, everyone’s fed, dressed, lunches packed.  We head out the door.  Lucy, who I have figured out by now does not know she’s a dog, ran out too.

I discovered two things very quickly:

1) Did you know that in spite of very short legs, basset hounds can run very fast quickly and long distances?

2) Pretty sure I can no longer run a block and at least suck it in and look like I’m in shape!


Thank you, by the way, to the neighbor who helped out rounding up Lucy back into the house.  I dropped off the super fantastic kiddos at their super fantastic school, and was greeted back at the house by two stopped-up kitchen sinks regurgitating spaghetti from last night’s supper.  Great, just great.  Was I going to have to wash dishes in the upstairs bathtub?  Nope!

:::sighing::: Note to self

1)Call the plumber.

2)Have first cup of much needed coffee.






Okay, road trip home today.  It’s been an exhausting, but FUN week with my super-fantastic awesome Grandsons.  I even started liking Lucy… a little.

We painted, built pipe-cleaner monsters, made a birdhouse complete with birdseed, read many books, played many games, (giggled at grammy’s lack of hand to eye coordination for playing Nintendo and xbox), raced trucks that were bee-utifully hand painted and sticker(ed), ate lotsa pizza, watched magic rocks grow, tried to make the zoo ( but traffic and GPS foul-up resulted in going to the store for a toy instead), watched every episode of Spongebob and Bubble Guppies, played outside, played catch with every ball ever created, and made cookies!

Well, let’s just say I was suppose to leave for home today.  Instead fate stepped in and decided I needed to have the stomach and intestinal “going-at-both-ends” flu!  One too many kisses and bottled water shared, as two of the boys got it, as well.  Trip home was postponed three days.

Whew, finally feeling better.  Exhausted, but in a good way, because I got to be with my super-fantastic awesome Grandsons.  I could have done without the flu…and maybe Lucy.  Not really, Lucy’s alright for a dog.  I am a cat person, so… yeah.

Finally leaving for home.  What in the world will I do with myself without three munchkins keeping me so busy?


Maybe I’ll just write.



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